Wednesday 19 October 2011

PyNc ChEcKLiSt #2

Hey hey... as promised, here are some fashion shots of 9 pieces of clothes that I have purchased online from ViviDoll... I have attached each photo with the original model from the blogshop :p So, please mind me... I looked pretty haggard in all the shots as was pretty worn out for a few days.. couldn't get my eyes to open wider and brighter :p Which is your favorite of the 9 ? Enjoy!

Wednesday 12 October 2011

BeAuTi ScRoLL #1

I have found the following article in yahoo, which I am sure most of you would be pretty keen to see the beauty benefit part from drinking green tea... and you can do this daily! Just like what I am doing now.. Drinking at least 7 cups of green tea, 5 x a week :)

Have you been wondering “what’s all the fuss about green tea?” Now you can stop wondering and start drinking ... green tea, that is. This flavorful beverage offers many health benefits to anyone who drinks it regularly. Green tea contains a potent plant nutrient known as epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCG, for short. But don’t fret, you don’t have to keep track of its chemical name to reap the health benefits.
Here are nine reasons to start drinking green tea or continue drinking it if you’re already hooked.
1. Green tea is a superb fat fighter. Its active ingredient, EGCG, increases the rate at which fat is burned in your body.
2. It targets belly fat. Research at Tufts University indicates that EGCG in green tea, like other catechins, activate fat-burning genes in the abdomen to speed weight loss by 77 percent.
3. Green tea keeps energy stable by balancing blood sugar levels. EGCG improves insulin use in the body to prevent blood sugar spikes and crashes that can result in fatigue, irritability, and cravings for unhealthy foods.
4. Research shows it may be helpful against lung cancer. In an April 2010 study published in Cancer Prevention Research, EGCG was found to suppress lung cancer cell growth.
5. Green tea may halt colorectal cancer. In numerous other studies, EGCG appears to inhibit colorectal cancers.
6. In research, it appears to cause prostate cancer cells to commit suicide. A March 2010 study in Cancer Science indicated that EGCG aids the body by causing prostate cancer cells to commit suicide.
7. Green tea may prevent skin damage and wrinkling. EGCG appears to be 200 times more powerful than vitamin E at destroying skin-damaging free radicals. Free radicals react with healthy cells in the body, causing damage, so lessening their numbers may help reduce wrinkling and other signs of aging.
8. It contains a potent antioxidant that kills free radicals. Because it is a potent antioxidant green tea can positively impact a lot more than skin cells. Free radicals are increasingly linked to many serious chronic illnesses like arthritis, diabetes, and cancer.
9. Green tea tastes good. If you’re not wild about the flavor, try a few different kinds. Try it iced or hot. Add some of the natural herb stevia to sweeten it if you want a sweeter drink. I wasn’t crazy about green tea the first few times I tried it, but now I love it with a fresh squeeze of lemon and a few drops of stevia over ice -- et voila! Green tea lemonade. Mmmmm.

Reap the rewards
Add one or two teaspoons of green tea leaves to a cup of boiling water, preferably in a tea strainer. Let steep for five minutes. Pour over ice if you prefer a cold beverage. Most experts recommend three cups daily. And, don’t worry, green tea contains a lot less caffeine than coffee or black tea.

Copyright Michelle Schoffro Cook. Adapted with permission from The Life Force Diet. Michelle Schoffro Cook, RNCP, ROHP, DAc, DNM, is a best-selling and six-time book author and doctor of natural medicine.

Tuesday 11 October 2011

PyNc's ChEcKLiSt #1

Hey hey.. I will be sharing with you on everything that I find beautiful, interesting, fashionable and must haves on a weekly affair :) Do feel free to add on comments or share your views!

Here goes the 1st 5 items :)

This unique ring is done up by a sweet gal of Vintage 1988. You can search for her pushcart in Mid Valley (as per current) or find her in FB. This is a place where you will be able to mix and match your personal flavours and liking to your accessories. All items comes in the vintage colours, yet fashionable and princessy all in one. It comes in all types of accessories all had made with a twist of love and passion in fashion :)

This dress is casual, sensual and yet uniquely designed. You can find this item on ViviDoll website. I purchased this online, and now waiting for the delivery :)

Love this heels.. It gives you a look of class, strong charisma, yet glamorous look at work or in casuals.

Went shopping over the weekend and was amazed by how Swaroski perfume counter markets their perfume. They sprayed the sensuous fragrance on a tiny card, and after folding it, wala!! a paper ring to be worn on customers fingers.. This is what I call CREATIVE!

Another creative picture to share. Just by arranging the Chanel items with a creative mind.. comes out as a lady in a hat and tutu skirt with a cigarette.. How cool is that? :)

Thursday 6 October 2011

ThE F1 BuZz

People always relate F1 with cars, fame, babes and class :) Multi million dollars industry. It is pretty interesting on how the creator of this game came to think and came out with this brilliant idea!! And surprisingly, it does attracts people's interest, although it's also one of the vehicle racing competition... only that the these vehicles causes a bomb. Surprisingly, big companies and the rich are pretty attracted to this and supports this sports. All this happens all at the right time, at the right place, and at the right start. Now, it's one of the world's most famous "glamorous" sports ever! If only I could come out with a bright idea such as this... to be the first,... I may end up a billionaire! Dream ... dream.... Dreamm.........

 Anyway, I managed to get to access the F1 site in Singapore recently before the event and I was astonished with the details of the whole event! An eye opener. Took some shots of the area :)
The big bird cage

Smaller bird cages.. love the way they decorate it together with plants and flowers around the area

Light bulb in the bird cage

Purple flowers

Super wide open orchid flowers! Amazingly beautiful!

One of the suite at F1
hmm.. I actually have more photos to share.. somehow could not load it here at this moment... Will post more photos again another day ! :) Have a splendid weekend ahead people! :)

Wednesday 5 October 2011

SnAp SnIpEtS BLoGsHoTs

Hey hey... Recently I have done a 2 online blogshops shoots and totally lurv it!! Am still looking to explore more of these shoots... or perhaps TV commercials and printed Adverts as well.. if opportunities come :) Always have been my passion to do this since at a very young age, but never had the luck to do this though.. Luck and the right time is all I need :)

Check it out :)

Closet Matterz

Unplug Wardrobe