Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Human behavior

Common human behavior, always looking for others to blame when things go wrong.

Monday, 8 December 2014

The world is a beautiful place

i was just thinkin, to me, the world is a beautiful place, but i also see ppl with bad intentions and ugly heart.. it will always affect me when i bump into these kind of ppl..i just don get it , why ppl would wanna fight against their own same species..

these ppl makes the world uglier by the day

Let's look at something soothing to the eyes instead, attached photo for your pleasure, despite the negativity of the people that may come across your path each day..there will always be Hope.

Saturday, 15 November 2014

What will we be when we grow up?

I have thought of this question before during younger days..lookin at my mom and how she was then, makes me have the assumption that I will get married when I'm 23years old, and I would be mature and will have a career..But I missed out in the most important details that would get me there, that is to ensure I studied hard in the field that I'm keen on, and to make a timeline progress in getting there.Instead, I was no where there and worse thing was I was kind of aimless and live my life through the days without knowing how to plan for my future.It could have been better if I had a good plan to execute then..Not that I'm complaining about how things are today, but it would be better and more organized.Along the way, quite often I loose my focus and feel kind of lost on what I can do &what I wanna do with my life.There wasn't any specific drive for me to move towards a better life with direction,  I was always aimless, and thought that by dreaming for things that will come true in future can make it happen, but the problem lies on no proper plan and execution, dreams will not come true.

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Tomorrow will be a better day...

Tomorrow will be a better day, it better be!! I definitely need this right now..shrug...

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

What can I do

Have u thought about this question? Sometimes when you think you are good at something, something else pulls you down and makes you wonder "what can I do?" "What I can be good at?" " I thought this was it.."

Thursday, 2 January 2014

Changing weather

People choose to change with weather in terms of their survival..but I refused and prefer to be my old good self.Changing with weather doesn't mean it's at all good, but sometimes making people to become more selfish and careless about others, that's what I noticed..however, this does not mean it applies to all, but some.